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2009-10-24 04:20:50
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Vamipre's hidden Castle

Damion stared down at the mingling vampires from his high throne. Orochiba sat loyally at his side. Damion was the head vampire. His mind was cluttered with thoughts and he continuously pondered on how he truly became leader. He knew that it had something to do with being born as a demon, and he knew no life of mortality. He was immortal from the moment he was conceived. But did that mean he would be ruler of such a vast race? Even with these thoughts, he sat with his back straight, his head high and his right hand holding a wine glass filled with blood. He was elegant and yet common.

Angel knocked on the door, looking at the slip of paper in her hand and then at the door again. Thinking Hope this is right..., she knocked again and figured that if no one answered, she'd just go right in. She quickly fixed her tight purple top and looked down at her black leather pants and high heels, she shrugged, Seems fine enough... She pulled the heaphones off her ears and waited, counting to ten.

Donald led Jacob in through a side entrance after having made sure they weren't followed.

Angel shurgged and opened the door slowly so it wouldn't make any noise. Her eyes widened slightly from all the vampires wandering the hall. She side stepped in and quickly shut the door, hoping that she wouldn't be noticed. "Now who to talk to about all of this..." She looked around and headed up a side staircase, hoping to get a better veiw from a landing or something to acheive a better veiw.

Damion looked at the girl wandering up his staircase that lead directly to his own room. He looked down at Orochiba, his elegant wolf sitting by his side. "Go get the woman." He demanded. His wolf scampered off towards the woman. He sat at her feet when he reached her and whined to get her attention. Damion sat sipping at his wine glass filled with blood.

Angel looked down and petted the wolf on his head, "Don't worry, I'll be gone soon, I just need to find the person in charge here. He knew my father..." Angel looked down and realized she was talking to a wolf. She smiled gently and scratched the wolf's ears, "I'm talking to a wolf.." She shook her head and continued to walk up the staircase.

Jacob fallowed Donald with wide eyes as he looked around at all the vampires.

Orochiba growled at Angel as she continued up the stairs. He Stared at her trying to hold her gaze.

"Looks like this one is an idiot." Damion muttered. He rose from his throne and in a split second he was standing two steps up from Angel. "Where do you think you are going?" He asked with a high voice of authority.

Donald smiled slightly. "I thought you should know that you're not alone... There is more like you, there is more of us! This time around we might just not be close to extinction..." He walked towards the throne calmly. "We even have got ourselves a leader, thought you might want to meet him."

Angel froze on the stari that she tood for a moment before reacting. "I was trying to get a better look until an idiot cam ealong and stopped me!" She crossed her arms, growling lightly in the back of her throat. She turned and saw the wolf staring her down, Okay..kinda weird there... but turned back to the shirtless man in front of her. She blushed and then looked over, seeing a painting and focused her eyes on that.

Jacob smiled up at Donald, "I knew there was more but not this many."

Donald smiled back. "Oh there is quite a few of us now, not all are here but this is pretty much the place that we have as our sanctuary, this is one place we at least so far can call safe." He came over to the throne and noticed Damion wasn't there. "Hmmm... Seems he's not here, oh well... Can always show you around and such, perhaps introduce you to a few of the other vampires."

"That's alright with me I can wate to met him. How big is this place any way?" Jacon asked

Donald grinned. "It's fairly big, from a time where it was common to hold grandéur ballparties. Been of course a few modifications so it has some modern commodities while not having changed the place itself much." He pointed around to various things and told Jacob what the name of the things were and what they once were used for and/or meant and other things like that that he knew of from studies and stories and others had told him.

"So not all of the human myths a right, right?" Jacob asked as Donald showed him things. I should know this, I'm so stupid not knowing it. Jacob thoght.

Donald smiled kindly. "Which are you referring to? About us vampires or what?"

Jacob noded, "Yeah how they say we can't go by a cross and stuff. I never tryed it didn't know what would happen."

Donald shrugged. "Don't know really, haven't tried either I am afraid, but the leader might, he apparently been around a while..."

Jacob nodded, "I thoght I was being a scared for not trying any.... glad I'm not the only one whi hasn't tryed."

Donald smiled kindly. "Yeah, it's better to avoid and not risk possible permanent damage nor death."

(I posted below as Damion)

Damion smiled. "Idiot? Seems like you are a new born. You obviously aren't human. Human's know my name." He held himself high and angered for one of his own kind knew not of who he was. "I am Damion. Behind you is my wolf, Orochiba." He smiled down at her. "He is asking you politely to get off my stairs or he will have to escort you out of my castle." He smiled a sly smirk. He glanced at his throne making sure noone had needed him.

Angel growl deeper, "Well excuse me Mr. High and Mighty! I just found out that I am a vampire and I'm trying to find a man by the name of...." She paused and looked at the slip of paper in her hands and read off his name, "the name of Damion. Someone told he knew my father and I'm just looking for information on my family." She gave hima good glare and turned, but paused, "I don't care who you are, you could treat people with a little bit of respect and you might just be amazed at how they tret you back." Angel patted the wolf on the head one more time, this time smiling again down on him. And started to walk back down the stairs gracefully, taking mind of her high heels.

Damion cleared his throat. "So you are a new born. Fascinating. Follow me and I will take you to who you are looking for." He took note the the lack of her paying attention to his words.

Angel turned back around to face him, surpise painted on her features. "You would help me? After what I just said..." Angel skipped up a couple of steps to stand beside Orochiba, and since he was so tall for a wolf, her hand found its way back to his soft fur, and started to gently scratch his ears again.

Orochiba stood tall in an elegant fashion watching Damion.

"I'm willing to help all of my people. And since you are a new born you obviously don't know how it works around here. Now come...this way." Damion led her down the stairs and through the small crowd gathering. He lead the way to his throne. "Ahhhh, here we are."

"You're the Damion I'm looking for??" Angel blushed prettily, and her blood heated from being embarrassed. "Well you could have said you were that Damion!!"

Damion smiled and sat on his throne. "Last I checked I am the only Damion." He closed his eyes and reopened them. "So what is it that you need from me dear?" His wolf sat beside him.

Angel sighed, figuring the sooner she asked her questions, the sooner she could get away from this guy. Angel reached for the strap on her shoulder and pulled forward a plastic tube, revealing a painting of a handsome man with brown hair and gold eyes much like Angel's, beside the young man was a younger looking Damion. "This was my father, he died of a broken heart. I am trying to find any information on him or my mother. I don't expect you know anything about my mother, I already know that she died during childbirth," Angel paused, sighing, her eyes downcast, "But the man beside him in the painting is you, I know that now. Before I thought it was your father or something because this painting over 200 years old. Anyhting you might know about him could be helpful, if you don't have anything I'll be on my way to...well anywhere. Thank you."

Damion focused on the painting intently. He spoke after several minutes. "That's my brother." He spoke silently. "He married such a beautiful woman. I was proud of him. He didn't know that I was his brother. He saw me as a random stranger. And later, a dear friend. His wife was elegant. I was the only one who knew her secret. She became pregnant and worried and when he found out what she was...she left. She didn't want to hurt him. I watched him suffer and soon...die." He kept a serious face showing no sadness or anger.

"So you're his brother then?" Angel rolled up the pianting and placed it back into the plastic tube, but paused, "What do you mean you were the only one who knew her secret? What was she??"

"She was a vampire, of course." Damion told Angel with a straight face.

"Then how would you explain her human sister, my lord," Angelo emerged from the shadows of the staircase, giving Damion a small bow out of respect. "her sister is almost completely human. Except for strength and the eyesight, she is a fragile little human."

Angel frowned, not liking so many people, so wasn't one for crowds, and edged closer to Damion's throne since it was near the railing.

Angelo smiled down at Angel, "No need to fear me, my dear."

Angel nodded and frowned once more, it marring her features as she stepped halfway into the shadows, ready to run if nessacary. She was new to being a vampire, and didn't really know how they might act.

Damion rose to speak now. His demenor was intimidating and intense. "Just because one child is born a monster does not mean all will." Damion looked at Angel intently. "Seeing her like this means that she was not born of vampire blood. She seems far too new to be born of the blood." He straightened up again and looked at Angelo. "Which could only mean that their mother does not pass on the vampire blood to her children."

Angelo stepped forward, not entirely afraid of Damon as other might have been, "I knew their mother as well and she was completely human. I know this because I am their father," Angelo smiled, and gave a mock bow, "My lord, so you are not their uncle, so forgive me." He turned to Angel, "And she is one born of blood for the reason, that I made sure the family I gave her to would give her blood to substain her. And her sister to one that would raise her as human. But she found out about everything and knows of you Angel," he turned once more, "And speaking of which, I have an appointment to keep my lord, so please excuse me." He bowed for real this time and smiled kindly to his daughter Angel and walked back down the staircase.

Angel froze, "What just happened?!?" She knew what had happened, but her mind was still reeling from the information she had recieved. "I have a sister--but that would mean--so I'm a twin--and he's my--father!" Angel slummed down to the ground, holding her head for a moment, before putting her headphones back on to block out any other noise, thinking to herself, Why couldn't I have just been my sister or mother....and what am I going to do know... She pondered and her gaze glazed over for moment.

Damion sat back in his seat and pondered. "So if he is the father, that would mean that she left not because of her being a vampire--she lied to me about that--but of her affair." He muttered to himself. He looked at Orochiba and waved to his.

The wolf rose from his frozen position and nudged at Angel.

Angel's hand reached out and patted the wolf's head, but abruptly stood up, "Sorry for intruding on your time...Thank you." She pulled the headphones off and bowed slightly, then turned to the wolf, "Nice meeting you," she knelt and scratched his fur softly, "I didn't mean any offense earlier when I said I was talking to a wolf, I'm just not used to talking to animals." She chuckled.

Orochiba sat and waited.

"He is asking you politely to leave the throne. There are others waiting an audience with me." Damion said.

Angel sighed and stood, "Now I remeber why they said that," She shook her head, "Well nice meeting you, Orochiba. Not so nice for you, Damion..." Angel picked uo her painting, but paused and left leaning against the railing and then headed to the staircase and back down to the hall and the door, opening it, "Now where to go..." She shrugged, figuring she'd find someplace and walked out, closing the door behind her.

Damion rose from his seat again and walked around. He approached Jacob and Donald. "You wished to see me?" He asked Donald.

Jacob look at the man, than looked to Donald; wondering if this was the man he was talking about earlier.

Donald nodded and bowed formally. "Yes sir, this is one of ours that haven't been introduced to our coven." He pointed to Jacob.

Damion smiled warmly. "Another new born I pressume." He bowed only his head. "I am Damion. This here is Orochiba." He pointed down to his wolf who was standing beside him like an obediant old dog. His head was high to match his owners.

Jacob pated the wolf and smiled, "Well I'm not shure if I'm a new born or not. I don't have any memory before I was 13."

Damion straightened himself suprised at what the boy had said. "And what have you come to learn from me?" He asked noboly.

"Well since than I was just travling around, for some reson I was dran to this town and Donald showed me here," Jacob sighed. "So I don't relly know."

Damion turned his attention to Donald waiting for an explanation.

Donald shrugged with a kind smile. "I never said he was new born, I just said he haven't been introduced to the coven, being as your our leader I didn't want to just accept a new member but let you decide if we took him in or not, as I didn't want to overstep my boundaries." He said with a polite bow of the head in respect.

Damion smiled politely trying to hold in his obvious agression for misunderstandment. "Well thank you for the introduction, Donald. And I didn't not say that you mentioned him as a newborn..." He straightened his face back into a hard line. "He just does not...." He sniffed the air near Jacob. "....smell ancient. He smells quite fresh. As if his heart had just stopped beating nearly a week ago." He rose his head again to his normal position.

Donald chuckled slightly and smiled. "Well neither would I, I can imagine.... I've only been a vampire for mere twenty years after all and sorry for missunderstanding then oh wise one, I just missheard it like that then I'm afraid, I was only half paying attention due to that young girl that left a while ago... She was... Quite breath-taking, if I may dare be so bold."

Damion sighed at Donald's attempt at small talk. "If there is nothing else, than you are dismissed."

Donald nodded and bowed politely. "Then I will take my leave sir." He turned to walk while wrapping his robe around him.

Damion turned and looked at Jacob. Orochiba had lifted himself onto all fours as he watched Donald walk away.

Angel grew bored outside of the vampire hideout and walked back following the directions she had recieved the first time. She opened the door, and this time, after closing it, she merely walked down the hall, watching the rest of the vampires. Fasinated, she smiled to herself, feeling a bit more at home than she ever had with either of her parents.

Jacob watched Donald leave wondering if he should fallow him.

Donald noticed Angel and smiled and rubbed his chin. "Hmmm... Well, better introduce myself, would be far to inapropriate not to..." He said low to himself then headed over to her.

Damion nodded a dismiss for Jacob.

Jacob smiled, "It was nice meeting you." Then he quickly walked over to Donald.

Donald smiled to Jacob and bowed his head politely. "Nice to regain your acquaintance young one." He looked to Angel, slightly intrigued yet in a polite manner as to not stare.

Angel was startled by the sudden presence of Jacob and Donald, but smiled polietly never the less. "Hello, I don't believe we have met. My name is Angel," Angel smiled once more to the two of them, offering her hand.

Donald gently took her hand and bowed down and kissed it lightly. "An honor Lady Angel, my name is Donald, Donald Couldon and I must say it is a pleasure to meet such a beauty as yourself."

Angel chuckled at his behavior, "Well Donald it is nice to meet you. I don't have a title, so no need for the formailty. I'm going to assume you are a vampire as well?"

Donald grinned and shrugged. "Well I thought that someone with as much class and beauty would surely be a lady of stature." He then smiled and nodded. "Yes I am, has been for the last twenty years, born one."

Jacob took Angels hand, and smiled. "I'm Jacob."

"No just a simple girl. I am a born vampire as well," Angel nodded to Donald, and turned to Jacob, "Hello Jacob." She shook his hand and then smiled to the two of them, "I was just going to go see the gardens outside, care to join me?"

Donald smiled and nodded. "Gladly, I can perhaps even show you around, there is one particular place I've always found very beautiful."

Angel grinned, "I'd like that very much. Thank you Donald."

Donald grinned some and reached out his arm to her. "Well then, shall we then?" He turned to Jacob. "You're of course also welcome to see the place if you'd like."

Angel laced her arm with his, and fell in step with him. She held out her hand to Jacob and took his, "Come along, I don't want my freinds to miss out." She turned to Donald smiling, "So where is this "place" anyway?"

Donald grinned. "It's not too far from the west side entrance, just through some woods then we're there." He smiled to Jacob. "Glad you'd join us! Want to show you too my friend." He then turned to head for the west side entrance he had mentioned, leading them to the woods he was talking about.

Angel followed, tugging Jacob along. She was careful on to trip over her own feet as she was often known for doing. "Sounds interesting."

Donald smiled and led on. "Just wait untill you see it." Donald consciously slowed a bit so Angel had time to step more carefully, after a while of walking they arrived at a clearing in the woods with a little creek and at one side there were a small field with many flowers in various colors reaching within the whole colorspectrum and blending with eachother so it created an illusion of them being alive and changing colors as they swayed in the light breeze and wines hung from trees with gently smelling flowers in white or yellow, the stars glistened from the surface of a pond at the other side of the clearing.

"Nice," Was all Jacob could think of saying.

Angel was speechless by the beauty of the scence laid out before her. "......Wow..."

Donald smiled. "Glad you like it, but the best part is still to come..." He led on to around the middle of the clearing and looked up where the moon was shining brightly surrounded by stars. "Especially when it's full moon, it is just so bright and clear, not exactly a view you can get from the city..."

Angel let go of their hands and twirled around in a child-like manner, smiling gently. "I haven't seen the moon in years...."

Donald smiled and looked up at the moon. "Yes, it's been a while since I last looked at it as well."

Jacob smiled and sat on the grass, "I don't know the last time I saw it too."

"I grew up in the country, but my adoptive father moved us to the city when I was nine, that's when I learned about vampires what they really were," Angel smiled at Jacob, and took a seat near him, laying back in the grass. She pulled a few of the flowers and like a child, weaved them into a crown and placed them on her head.

Donald grinned. "For my part it's due to having to hide even in despite of our kind is not that feared where I spend most of my life."

Angel propped herself up on her elbows, frowning slightly she asked, "Where did you hide?"

Donald smiled softly. "In the far and exotic East... Learned many skills down there thanks to their more open minded nature."

Angel smirked, "Did they think you were a Jiang Shi?" She laugehd lightly.

Donald nodded. "Yes, though in Japan they more called me Kyuuketski... Besides... It ain't all that far from the truth other then it's more like the other way around, over there at some places I was almost considered royalty, I even got this specially made for me since the drinking of blood from donator bloodpacks wasn't as exciting for them as the fact I was what I was..." He took up a cantine with two specially designed holes that would close again after fangs had been withdrawn from them. "Why do you wonder? Or you perhaps think of those we'd call zombies in our western tradition? With the rotting flesh and all that."

Jacob looked at them lising since he didn't have any thing to say about his past.

Donald smile faded slightly then returned. "But enough about me and my past, our friend seems to be bothered by us talking about pasts, you have any idea of where you're going or what you're going to do now that you've arrived here to this town? I do hope you know the humans are hunting us to the best of their ability and intending to end our lives because of what we are."

Jacob smiled slightly, "No its fine. I have know I idea of were I'm going or what I shall do. Yeah I do know that people are after us, one who was found me and tryed to kill me after I awoke."

Donald smiled back. "Okay, just to make sure, can't be too careful around those humans, not in this town and well you are free to stick around, who knows, maybe you'll find out one way or the other about your past! Around here at least you're sure to have friends."

Jacob smiled and looked at Donald, "I think I might stay."

Donald smiled. "Marvelous, that's wonderful news."

Angel nodded and smiled at the two of them, "But not all humans here in this city are as terrible as you make them seem. Some are actually quite nice."

Donald shrugged. "Only few decent people I've met were in the east..."

"My twin is a human and she isn't actually too far as I know. My father Angelo told me about her, I can't wait to meet her," Angel smiled.

Donald shrugged again. "I for one won't reveal myself to any humans here..."

"Tell about the humans out east," Angel sat up fully this time to show that she was listening.

Donald grinned. "Unlike the people here their stories of vampires and such is more sad and makes them more likely to either help or at least try, intending that my soul truly could find rest so my body would be able to be laid to rest as well, or simply because they thought the idea of vampires to be cool, as long as I didn't drink their blood I was considered almost a hero, one to fight 'evil' and demons and such, some didn't really believe I was a vampire even and just treated me as any other human."

"That must have been nice, not to worry about anything that they would do, unlike around here. I might just have to travel there one day," Angel said.

Donald chuckled. "I didn't say it was perfect but most of the people there at least is more accepting of our kind."

Angel nodded to Donald, "Where is ther anyhting to eat?"

Donald grinned. "Depends on if you want free-game or take-out..."

Jacob looked at him slightly confussed

Donald smiled and looked to Jacob. "Meaning own hunting or pre-fixed meal."

Jacob nodded shocked, "Wait theres pre-fixed meals?"

Donald grinned. "Well of course, however some of us do still enjoy the thrill of the chase so it's up to the individuals how they'll have it."

Jacon blushed for not knowing and joked, "I think theres alot I need to learn."

Donald smiled kindly. "Of course, took me a while to get to know as much as I do as well, only natural that you can't know everything the moment you arrive."

Jacob nodded, "Hoe long did it take you to learn it all?"

Donald blinked and shrugged. "A couple of months or so.... Don't really recall fully, time tends to fly by when you sometimes has to fight the humes...."

Jacon nodded again

Donald smiled. "Well, you're hungry too? Or you'll manage?" He asked looking at Jacob while waiting for Angel to respond.

Jacob smiled, "Yeah I can't rember last time I did eat."

Donald smiled and nodded. "Okay, what do you prefer then?"

"Well I always hunted I never heard of the other way so I dont mind which." Jacob said

Donald chuckled softly. "Guess that means that miss Angel will be the one to decide then."

Angel stood and playfully pointed at Donald, "I told you no titles, they make me feel old. Just Angel, and I guess pre-fixed for now, at least for me, I don't know if I like the idea of hunting down humans for food..."

Donald smiled. "I am sorry, just being polite, like said been spending most my life in the east where it's obligatory to be polite." He stretched then nodded. "Okay then, let's get take-out then!" He chuckled and headed to another entrance to the castle, yet one that didn't go to the main hall, by the door was a code-lock.

Jacob fallowed curious of what it would be like or if the taste would be differant.

Donald smiled and tapped in the code then stood back as the door slid open and walked into the room and in there was on one wall a row of letters and a button underneath. "Then just choose, there is for every flavor, A negative, B negative and positive and AB negative and so forth and so back." He said as he pointed to each of the mentioned bloodtypes stated on the wall. "And then over here is where the bag will come." He pointed to a machine inserted in the wall that looked slightly like a vending machine except the buttons was on the opposing wall instead of the machine. "There is also fragrant holes by each flavor so you can smell yourself and find out which you prefer." He nodded towards some minimal holes below each type.

Jacob nodded and pressed the botton for AB negative and took the bag, "Easy but huntings fun."

Donald nodded with a soft chuckle. "That's why I asked which you prefer."

Jacob opened the blood bag, "Well I also never tried it this way I said that."

Donald nodded. "True, but yeah some prefer this way and some hunt, so this was created to satisfy everyone's fancy."

Jacob nodded and started to drink his with a smile

Donald took an A positive and started drinking. "Might not have the exact freshness of a hunted prey but there is still a sort of... Special charm about these, I think so anyway." He turned to Angel. "It's just to choose dear Angel." He said with a smile.

Angel stepped forward, and hit a button, not truely sure on what type she just selelcted. "O-okay.." She gave a timid smile and took up the bag, and tore it, to start drinking.

Donald grinned. "What's the matter? You seem nervous dear angel."

Angel shrugged, "I've never really drinken blood before."

Donald chuckled a bit. "Oh! Like that, well just think of it like a bloody mary, or orange and bloodgrape juice, tomato juice seems to not be so functional as many thinks, unless they really liked tomato juice before."

Angel chuckled, "I just think of it as wine, that's how my mother gave it to me before without me knowing.."

Jacob looked at her with a raised eyebrow, "So your mother was a vampire?"

"No my adoptive and birth mother were human, but I inherited my father's genes and I became a vampire while my twin became human," Angel explained.

Jacob nodded and finshed his blood, "So how did she know you were a vampire?"

Donald smiled. "Well in that case you have drinked blood, just didn't know it then, or at least that's what I understood." He looked thoughtful for a moment. "Oh, yes.... Wine, the drink of lovers! That would work very well indeed I think."

Angel chuckled at Jacob, finishing her own blood, "My adoptive mother knew because my biological father told her and my natural mother died during my birht, well actually my sister's. So we were shipped off to other parents. And yes, she gave me 'wine', and I loved it and that's what I've been told, the drink of lovers." Angel smiled, answering both questions in the same breath.

Donald smiled. "That's good to hear and well, ever shared any of this drink of lovers with anyone?" He asked a bit slyly with a soft grin.

Damion had returned to his throne and sat noboly and high. He watched over his many guests as they entered, lingured, and soon left.

Angelo waked back up to the throne, his hands folded elegantly behind his back. He stood beside the throne, patting his friend of many years, Orochiba, lightly on the head. Still looking forward he calmly stated, "Hello Damion."

Damion looked ahead to his party of vampires. "Hello, Angelo. Are you done trying to prove me wrong?"

"I merely brought forth a secret that I had hidden away for many years, and now that my child was looking for the truth I could not hid away from her, not one of my own flesh and blood as did for so many years. I had her sister, but she still does not know, only Angel does and I thought it best that all information be out for all to know, including yourself your lordship, as I know that she would have been your neice if the information was carried through," Angelo looked at Damion calmly while he supplied this information, "I did not intentionally try to prove you wrong Damion."

Damion looked at Angelo and nodded. "Well, I certianly am glad you did. I wish not to have blood. My brother has been dead for quite a long time now. I don't want any more family." He drifted his hand along the crowd before him. "This is all the family I need." He stated.

Angelo nodded in argeement with Damion and after a moment chuckled, "I now have two daughters in the same city on opposing sides.." He glanced at Damion again, "What type of father do you think I'll make, old friend?"

"A very poor one." Damion attempted at joking but failed with his stern voice.

Angelo chuckled, understanding his old compainion, "Glad to know you think so."

Damion smiled, in a way, kindly. He stood up. "I'm sorry but i must take my leave. Keep watch over my castle and make sure it isn't torn down." He smiled in a joking way. He gestured for Orochiba to follow and than walked through the castle to the entrance and out he went.

Angelo nodded, and sighed, sitting down on the throne.

Twilight looked up at the manor she had purchased a few days ago and smiled down at the child at her side. "This will be our new home Ranna. You'll live safely just like I promised you would." She spoke softly and anyone vampire or not could see the love she held for the little girl though it wasn't always like that. Ranna smiled brightly and nodded, her violet eyes flashing happily. Twilght grinned and they took their things inside.

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2007-07-16 [*Sakura-chan*]: Roxana: hm?
Hitana: where are those useless humans?!!!

2007-07-16 [illegally insane]: 1)We don't post in the comments.
2)Everyone is in The City of Transylvania.

2007-07-16 [*Sakura-chan*]: what kind of wikis are these T^T

2007-07-16 [illegally insane]: The ones you use when you aren't fighting so technically everything that's happening now should be in this page.

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